Tourist's Del Sol

seen BRITISH and Russian tourists will be the main target of the ‘Tourism & Health Spain’ campaign on the Costa del Sol.
Around 30 private health clinics and hotel resorts in the area joined forces to attract potential foreign tourists who would like to add leisure and cultural activities to their stay in Malaga Province to receive health assistance.
The project will be officially launched during the Fitur international tourism trade show, to be held in Madrid from January 30 to February 3. ‘Tourism & Health Spain’ is headed by the president of the Malaga Association of Private Clinics and owner of Malaga’s Chip Hospital, Jesus Burgos. He reported that their target customer is a middle-to-upper or upper-class patient who may spend around €10,000 per year
on health services alone. Malaga Province’s private clinics estimate they will receive an annual overall turnover of €250- 300 million. And then there is the additional amount spent on leisure, maintenance and
accommodation by the patients and their families.
Currently, Malaga Province’s private health offer includes 4,500 beds, 45 per cent of the overall
availability in Andalucia, the association reported.
